A Story of Autism… “In Toni Blu’s World”

Born May 16th, 2003 Toni Blu was a happy, healthy, normal and vibrant child who loved to laugh. As she continued to grow, her development appeared to be
normal; just as her siblings had done before her. By age 3, her mother’s concerns grew as she noticed some signs that concerned her, testing began soon after.

Increased self-injury, chronic
sensitivity to sound, and the complete withdrawal from human interaction were all signs that indicated something was not right. Long nights were spent wide awake under the watchful eye of confused parents watching, wondering and waiting. In November 2006, the Inland Regional Center diagnosed Toni Blu with Autism.

                                                                    "I can see the words in my head"

Action began immediately; every medical recommendation was implemented; speech language therapy, behavioral analysis, dietary changes, occupational therapy, along with heavy doses of love and acceptance. Although, all of these tools and methods were utilized, to this day there is no single action her parents can attribute to the turn of their daughter to the outgoing, music loving, bright, funny, incredibly social child that she is today.

                                                                          "Sometimes I feel unglued"

Early intervention was a key to the growth that Toni Blu has shown over the years. Currently, attending an ultra supportive mainstream school and working in concert with the Westside Regional Center, the breakthroughs have been tremendous.
There are still some emotional opportunities for Toni, but that work
continues and hope grows with every milestone reached. It has been said that Toni Blu has “prodigy” tendencies; we believe she has “Blu” tendencies as she has shown a courageous spirit and continues to be a phenomenal inspiration to everyone.

                                                                       "In my world everything is perfect"